Share a Smile Day | Pangea Organics

Share a Smile Day

Did you know that smiling is good for your physical health? For that (and many other reasons), we're celebrating Share a Smile Day. 

Celebrating the Smile
One of the things we missed most in the past couple of years of mask mandates was the smile. That spontaneous moment of shared humanity, when our eyes meet with a stranger’s and we exchange a simple, friendly acknowledgment of each other, is everything. 

Children innately understand this! There is research indicating that a child smiles an average of 400 times per day, whereas (happy) adults average 40-50 times per day (even fewer for unhappy adults). 

Health Benefits of Smiling
The feel-good benefits of smiling extend to our health. Studies show that smiling helps our bodies release endorphins that contribute to many benefits, including:

- Reduced pain.

- Increased endurance.

- Healthier blood pressure.

- Strengthened immune system.

- Decreased stress.

- Increased longevity.

How We’re Celebrating Share a Smile Day
Giving someone a reason to smile is a precious gift. Here are a few ideas you can start with:

- Pay for the coffee/tea of the person in line behind you.

- Let someone in while driving in traffic.

- Offer your sweetie a foot rub, no strings attached.

- Call your mother, just to say hi.

- Tell your bestie five things you appreciate about them.

- Do the dishes, even if they’re not yours.

- Leave flowers on the neighbor’s doorstep.

If you’ve ever been yanked out of the whirlpool of your worried mind by the unexpected kindness of a stranger, then you know the significant impact something as small as a smile can have. Happy Share a Smile Day!

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